Regarding Dixon Place and One Or Two Odd Ends:
Dixon Place is on the second floor of a building on Bowery between East Houston and Prince Streets. The block itself ain't pretty, and the space is one of the funkier in the city: seating is on couches, chairs, and old restaurant booths. Besides, it's where Eric Bogosian and the Blue Man Group got started. And, despite the block itself looking like old Lower Manhattan, you go down to Prince and take a right, and you are immediately in the hip-hip-oh-so-fuckin'-hip Nolita area, where you and the German and Japanese tourists can buy one-of-a-kind Pumas for your dainty feet. (And there's lots of great restaurants.)
And here's a point that'll be hammered home time and again: the show will begin promptly at its assigned time. It's a festival, so the next show goes right after. No fuckin' around, no "fashionably late," no "oh-shows-always-start-twenty-minutes-after-they-say-they-will." Nope. On fuckin' time.
As for whether or not there will be future dates after the festival: well, shit, if this sells out (or sells really well), we'll go from there. And then if the Rude Pundit ends up continuing the show, we'll look into a Rude in the USA tour. But let's take the first steps.
Oh, and let's get this over with so there's no bullshit expectations: the Rude Pundit is not Lewis Black nor is he Helen Thomas; he doesn't work for The Daily Show; he doesn't sell real estate; and the blog Sadly, No figured it out a couple of months ago because, well, the show is written by the Rude Pundit. Here is all you need to know: about what he does, who he is, and what he looked like five years ago. Any questions?
Dixon Place is on the second floor of a building on Bowery between East Houston and Prince Streets. The block itself ain't pretty, and the space is one of the funkier in the city: seating is on couches, chairs, and old restaurant booths. Besides, it's where Eric Bogosian and the Blue Man Group got started. And, despite the block itself looking like old Lower Manhattan, you go down to Prince and take a right, and you are immediately in the hip-hip-oh-so-fuckin'-hip Nolita area, where you and the German and Japanese tourists can buy one-of-a-kind Pumas for your dainty feet. (And there's lots of great restaurants.)
And here's a point that'll be hammered home time and again: the show will begin promptly at its assigned time. It's a festival, so the next show goes right after. No fuckin' around, no "fashionably late," no "oh-shows-always-start-twenty-minutes-after-they-say-they-will." Nope. On fuckin' time.
As for whether or not there will be future dates after the festival: well, shit, if this sells out (or sells really well), we'll go from there. And then if the Rude Pundit ends up continuing the show, we'll look into a Rude in the USA tour. But let's take the first steps.
Oh, and let's get this over with so there's no bullshit expectations: the Rude Pundit is not Lewis Black nor is he Helen Thomas; he doesn't work for The Daily Show; he doesn't sell real estate; and the blog Sadly, No figured it out a couple of months ago because, well, the show is written by the Rude Pundit. Here is all you need to know: about what he does, who he is, and what he looked like five years ago. Any questions?